• https://www.personnel.cmarea3.go.th/financial/
  • https://financial.cmarea3.go.th/.well-known/acme-challenge/th/
  • Slot Gacor
  • Slot Gacor
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  • Slot Gacor
  • Our Values – TRIMORO


    The values of our company make us different. Through extensive employee engagement, Trimoro has now created new values that reflect our business and changing environment. They act as a foundation of our constant evolution and are the basis of our operational mode.

    Commitment to excellence

    It incorporates the customer satisfaction value and deals with engaging all our stakeholders, including employees.


    Collaborative and Transparent Mindset

    This is more than collaboration and partnership. As well as trust, it involves sharing, the right mindset and working in formal and informal networks. It of course incorporates confidentiality and protection of privacy.


    Passion for Innovation

    Passion for innovation is based on a desire we have to leap into the future through innovation in technology, ways of working and through understanding the environment around us.


    Very Human

    Being Very Human encompasses what we offer to our customers, how we do business and the impact of our actions and behaviour on people and the environment.



    We do not consider simply what we do but how we do it. It requires us to strictly adhere to laws and regulations and to go beyond this, by following true ethical business conduct. We of course totally conform to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme or Myanmar ban and we control and disclose should the need arise, any gemstone treatment.

    Our Code of Conduct sets our approach to ethical business practice. It outlines our commitment to respect and promote human rights and fair workplace practices, environmentally sustainable business, and our zero-tolerance policy on child labour, bribery, and corruption. We apply this Code of Conduct globally in our own operations and require the same standards from our suppliers.

